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Every charity should connect with HelpFilm. Their process is so simple, their expertise second to none and they work with some extremely talented individuals. It has been invaluable for us as a small charity in growing our profile, and we thoroughly recommended them. The team are just fantastic!
— Rachel, Director for Street Storage

At HelpFilm we understand that producing and planning a film can be daunting and overwhelming. Making sure the film represents your charity in the right way with the right tone, is also a very important consideration - after all, we want the film to speak to your beneficiaries and funders and communicate your mission clearly and succinctly.

With this in mind, we always make sure we listen to our charity partners at every step. Whilst we expect the charity to draft the first version of the script, we are happy to provide feedback and suggestions. We know that you understand your charity and the cause you are fighting for most. That is your expertise. Your superpower.

Our specialism is to create the best visual story that communicates those messages, in the most imaginative way.

Below we have outlined the initial steps we take when first planning a film with you.

HelpFilm Is A Registered Charity (No. 1189012)